Stress ulcer
prophylaxis is a topic that comes up frequently on the internal medicine
service but is not frequently given more than a moment of consideration. Numerous studies have identified how
acid-suppressive therapies (eg. namely proton pump inhibitors and histamine-2
receptor antagonists) are widely prescribed and often lacking an
indication. Studies of various designs
have revealed that 46-73% of patients who receive acid-suppressive therapy
while hospitalized do not have an indication.1-3
The most robust
guideline to date for the use of acid-suppressive therapy for stress ulcer
prophylaxis was published in 1999 and was comprised of data almost entirely
from patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).4 At that time, there was only one randomized
control trial addressing stress ulcer prophylaxis in the non-ICU setting. These guidelines identified and determined
the weight of various risk factors for the development of stress ulcers and these
values are continued to be used today. The
presence or absence or risk factors
should be used to determine the need for stress ulcer prophylaxis, not just
admission to the ICU. The summary of
recommendations follows below.